Scootboot Adjust (Enduro)

$403 AUD
Designed by a farrier for the barefoot horse, the Scootboot Adjust also supports barefoot mules and is great for long distance riding. It has fully adjustable straps around the heel bulbs and accommodates various hoof types, especially high heels.

  • Robust, durable and lightweight
  • Excellent traction, flexible sole
  • Open toe, sides and back with no bulb pressure
  • Excellent drainage and ventilation
  • Adjustable straps, no cables or velcro
  • Coloured strap options
  • Available sizes: 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Range of mud straps provided to ensure correct size
  • Bulb Strap can be lengthened or shortened
  • Bulb Extender places the bulb strap in the correct position for underrun or high heels
  • 2 settings to adjust rear screws

Option 1: Use our sizing service

This option gives you free sizing, free shipping, free fit check, free exchanges and returns.

Using our sizing service is the most accurate way to find your Scoot Enduros size from measurements.

Upload your hoof measurement photos through our sizing form and we will reply with your correct size. We will happily exchange your Scoot Enduros free of charge if they do not fit.

Go To Sizing Form 

Option 2: Find your size with the sizing chart

This option only allows you to return and exchange. You will need to cover your shipping costs.

Step 1: Click here for measurement instructions

Step 2: Measure each horse's hoof within 2 weeks of a barefoot trim.

Step 3: Use this sizing chart to find the size you need.

Please note: Scoot Enduros are suitable for hard to fit hooves that are upright, high or have underrun heels that cannot fit into regular or slim Scoots. Please send us photos and we can confirm if Scoot Enduros are right for your horse's hooves.

Scoot Enduro Sizing Chart  

Option 3: Find a stockist in your area

Use our  stockist locator to find someone nearby for an in-person fitting.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 127 reviews
Cheyene Andrade
Don’t waste money

This is the third horse I’ve seen fully lose them barely trotting/loping around on compact dry lot. No wet footing, boots were all sized by the company and refitted regularly to ensure the material fit properly after it stretched out (they stretch out fast). All models do this. This is a good amount of money to just throw away when I’ve barely gotten three uses on this last pair before fully losing them no where to be found now.

Doreen Doyle
Love the boots

Hi there! With all the bad weather we had wasn’t able to try one in before I had to leave for the month to help my pregnant daughter. It’s one of the first things I have in my to do list when I get back at the end of the month. I absolutely love the packaging and the ease of being able to keep everything together!!!

julie Whyte
Just can’t get a good fit

The shoe part itself fits great but I can’t get a good fit of the band around the back and the one that goes around her leg. I have tried multiple variations of different bands and lengths. One is too small and the next is too large. She seems to do well with them and I spent way too much money not to keep trying but it’s been very frustrating to say the least. We took a short ride the other day and when I checked it became very obvious the bands were not going to work. So be prepared to spend a LOT of time and extra money to buy larger bands if what they send you doesn’t work. I have probably spent 3 hours just trying to adjust them (still not adjusted so more hours). Well made boots for sure. When they say they can be a little fiddly at first to get them worked out… That is an understatement!

Elodie Hoebanx

J’ai pris les mesures via l’application.
J’ai eu un super retour et U accompagnement pendant les essais. Malheureusement les scootboots étaient trop grand mais je vois les ai renvoyé et j’attends mes 2 nouvelles paires une taille en dessous. Merci 🙏

First barefoot trans - couldn’t be happier!

I used enduro scoot boots to help my mount transition to barefoot and they truly made all the difference! I was like a kid on Christmas waiting for my order to arrive. Horse was sore so every day seemed like agony, however the shipping to the US was fast all things considering. It was a near magic transition after putting them on and heading out for a ride. Incredible the difference. I used the free fitting service and I am glad I did, he needed the enduros due to his hoof shape but I wouldn’t have known that so would have ordered wrong style or size without their help. Every communication I’ve had with the sizing and fit team has been incredible. Strongly recommend!!

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