That Certain "Flare"! - Scoot Boots

That Certain "Flare"!

There is 'flair' and then, there are "flares" . . . . . . Of course, we all want our horses to have 'flair' but not the "flare"  that indicates iss...

What Do Healthy Hooves Look Like?

What Do Healthy Hooves Look Like?

It occurred to me this morning, as I was again consulting with someone about her sore-footed horse, that there seems to be a lack of healthy-lookin...

What to do about BRITTLE HOOVES
Hoof health

What to do about BRITTLE HOOVES

What causes brittle hooves? What can you do about it?  Find out here ... from diet to environment to even mental stress ... how do these things aff...

Have we forgotten the back hooves
Hoof health

Have We Forgotten the Back Hooves?

If your horse is having issues with the stifle, the SI joint, the hocks (think of twisting hocks), or is feeling short-strided in the back or 'chop...

Contracted Heels?
Hoof health

Contracted Heels?

Contracted Heels -- just what ARE contracted heels on a horse's hoof?  Well, basically, if the heel measurement is less than the toe measurement, t...

Why NOT to Rasp the Entire Hoofwall

Why NOT to Rasp the Entire Hoofwall

The periople lies just under the coronary band/hairline of the hoof capsule. Its role is to protect the softer new horn that is being generated to...

The Hairline Tells It All ...

The Hairline Tells It All ...

Lyle “Bergy” Bergeleen wrote a book. It’s called, “The Hairline Tells It All”. I read it way back when it first came out and embraced it full hilt....

High-Low Hoof Syndrome

High-Low Hoof Syndrome

We hear about high-low hooves a lot. Most horses have fairly similar hooves all round. Similar in shape, size, functioning but some will have ones ...

How to Spot and Deal with Bruised Heels

How to Spot and Deal with Bruised Heels

Bruising on the heels of the hoof usually is caused by direct injury from rocks, irregular hard ground with pebbles, stones, etc. or other trauma t...